Lava Cake | choco lava cake | centre filled cake | homemade

  Lava cake / choco lava cake- 

Choco lava cake

About - 

Molten Chocolate is a popular dessert that combines with the elements of a flourless chocolate cake and a souffle. Its name derives from the dessert's liquid chocolate center , and it is also known as chocolate moelleux , chocolate lava cake  or lava cake . It should not be confused with chocolate fondant , a recipe that contains little flour , but instead a lot of chocolate and butter , hence melting on the plate . 

Ingredients - 

·        ½ cup maida / all purpose flour
·        ¼ cup cocoa powder 
·        ¼ tsp of salt
·        ½ cup powdered sugar 
·        ¼ tsp baking soda
·        1 tsp vanilla essence
·        ½ tsp baking powder
·        12 chocolate pieces
·        ¼ cup refined oil / butter
·        ¾ cup milk
·        4 small paper cups 

How to make - 

step 1-  Mix  ½ cup maida ,  ¼ cup cocoa powder, ½ cup powdered sugar, ¼  tsp baking soda, ½ tsp baking powder ,pinch of salt ,1 tsp vanilla extract and ¼ cup oil / butter.

step 2- add half cup milk and combine with the help of whisk.gradually add more milk until batter is well combined and smooth.

step 3- make sure to get flowing consistency cake grease the paper cups  or aluminium moulds with butter and dust with cocoa powder. 

step 4- pour the batter to ¾ of the the prepared moulds.also place in 3 chocolate pieces in centre of each cup.
Lava cake 

step 5-  with the help of spoon, gently push the chocolate pieces inside and cover with batter. preheat and bake for 15 minutes at 180 degree celsius or 350 degree fahrenheit.

step 6- If u don’t have oven then preheat a cooker or covered pan with some salt in bottom  for 10-15 min , remove the whistle .then bake  the cake for 15-20 min at medium flame.  
step 7- allow it to cool for about 5 minutes before removing.  now scrape the sides with a knife and invert onto plate, pat gently. Serve it .

Tips - 

  • Add pinch of fruit salt to make it more fluffy.
  • Avoid lumbs in batter , to make cake the smooth and perfect. 
  • you can also use vanilla essence for more fragnane .